3 Conditions with the Same Symptoms as Heartburn

You likely recognize the burning sensation in your chest following a big meal. Also called acid indi

10 Foods That Support Digestive Health

[caption id=\"attachment_7000\" align=\"alignright\" width=\"500\"] 10 Foods Support Digestive Healt

Stress & Its Effects on Gastroenterology

Psychological stress — the mental or emotional anxiety caused by pressure from work, relationships

Abdominal Pain & When to Consult Your Gastroenterology Doctor

Symptoms as common as constipation or indigestion can trigger abdominal pain. And although a bellyac

Bloating: The Causes & Solutions

According to the dictionary, bloating means expanding or distending, as with air or water. When you

Can Lactose Intolerance Develop with Age?

[caption id=\"attachment_7010\" align=\"alignright\" width=\"500\"] Can Lactose Intolerance Develop